If players want to play with a friend in ranked matches, Warcraft III offers «Arranged Team Games», where a team joins a lobby and will search for another team as with anonymous matchmaking, the enemy team is not known beforehand. Unlike previous -enabled games, Warcraft IIIintroduced anonymous matchmaking, automatically pairing players for games based on their skill level and game type preferences, preventing players from cheating and inflating their records artificially. West), Northrend (Europe), and Kalimdor (Asia).
Players can create free accounts in regional «gateways,» which helps reduce lag these are Azeroth (U.S. Like all previous Blizzard titles since Diablo, Warcraft III uses multiplayer network. Warcraft III, like Blizzard's previous title StarCraft, allows for single and multiplayer replays to be recorded and viewed, allowing a game to be played at slower and faster speeds and viewed from the perspective of all players. To make the game proceed more quickly, by default the map is covered in fog of war instead of the Black Mask. In default melee matches, players can pick their own heroes, and losing one will not end the game. While campaign games can have many different objectives, the sole objective in multiplayer games is to destroy all the buildings of the opposition.